Voilà Weekly Meeting
2019 / 09 / 30
- Maarten Breddels
- Sylvain Corlay
- Martin Renou
- Wolf Vollprecht
- Lindsey Heagy
- Zach Sailer
- Jeremy Tuloup
- Andrew Schlaepfer
- governance
- voilà-reveal
- full async jupyter-client
- jupyter-server
- jupyter-meets-the-earth update
- open-source directions webinar invitation
- nbconvert
- Propose a move to Jupyter?
- Or create own organization CoC and governance document.
- New logos applied across the board.
Voila Reveal
- Marianne Corvellec wrote a new template for slideshows based on RevealJS using the same metadata for notebooks.
Full Async
- jupyter_client, jupyter_protocol, jupyter_kernel_mgmt
must be full async to handle multiple voila requests at the same time.
Kevin Bates is working on that problem in jupyter_client first for the lifetime management of kernels.
- 50-60 PRs from notebook ported to jupyter_server by Zach Sailer.
- Using jupyter_server in notebook and lab?
- Brian involved in discussion
- Should we do it directly in jupyter/notebook and make a major release?
- Jason, Steve, Brian apparently onboard with the idea.
- Voila uses a hack on top of pytest to test async code. How can we
Relevant Meetings
- UC Berkeley met with folks from DoD: lots of interest in Voilà, connections to nbgallery
- Jupyter meets the Earth kick-off meeting today / tomorrow.
- Lindsey going to SciPy LA: shoutout to Voilà - slides??
open-source directions
- November 8th at 12pm eastern
- break all the templates in Voilà / nbconvert to enable “hot-swapping” templates between nbconvert and voila.
- This may be useful to the jupyter-book project as well.